ECCMID 2023 in figures
Premium event in Copenhagen
The 33rd ECCMID in Copenhagen is over – and it was quite a success. So we have many reasons to be thankful. And what’s more, we have got the facts and figures to prove it!

Learn all about the Scientific Programme that is built by the ECCMID Programme Committee (EPC).
Every year ECCMID accepts thousands of abstracts in the form of oral or poster presentations. Presenting authors of abstracts benefit from…
Secure your ticket to the world’s premier meeting in the fields of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
ECCMID 2023 will follow the successful format introduced in 2022, offering a comprehensive hybrid congress. While we encourage the majority of…
Barcelona is a compact city with great cultural, social and commercial diversity.
Want to become a sponsor or exhibitor at ECCMID? Then read on to get all information here.
Congress Information
The 33rd ECCMID in Copenhagen is over – and it was quite a success. So we have many reasons to be thankful. And what’s more, we have got the facts and figures to prove it!
ESCMID Executive Office
Aeschenvorstadt 55
4051 Basel
Phone +41 61 508 0150
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