Hygiene and Safety Measures
ESCMID is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all ECCMID 2023 participants. ESCMID is devoted to compliance with all applicable measurements imposed by Danish authorities regarding large events.
ESCMID urges any participants that are not feeling well to please wear a mask or stay home for the protection of your colleagues during the congress and to reduce the spread of disease. Each attendee is able to receive up to 4 medical masks for the congress and FFP2 masks are available upon request.
Disinfection stations will be present around the congress venue and disinfection teams will be periodically moving through the venue and cleaning surfaces.
If you require require a COVID-19 test for your return flight, there is testing available at the Copenhagen airport. The testing requires pre- signup and can be done here
If you have further questions please email info[at]escmid.org
We wish you a safe and healthy ECCMID!