Promotional Toolkit
Here you can find the promotional toolkit for the 33rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), which includes graphics, banners, logos and social media sample posts for your to utilize. We invite you to use these materials to promote the congress within your own networks via newsletters, websites, or any other means. We also encourage you to follow us on our social media channels listed below (@ESCMID) and use the hashtag #ECCMID2023 when you post about the congress on your social media so that everyone following the congress will see it.
Follow us on Social Media @ESCMID
Social media sample posts
#ECCMID2023 is taking place 15-18 April 2023 online and onsite in Copenhagen, Denmark! Join the world's premier event on #ClinicalMicrobiology & #InfectiousDiseases covering key topics and the latest research from the past year! Learn more and register at:
Be a part of #ECCMID2023! Share and discuss your research with colleagues from around the world. Regular abstracts can be submitted from 17 October to 30 November 2022. Learn more about the guidelines and catagories on the #ECCMID website:
#ECCMID2023 is taking place 15-18 April 2023 online and onsite in Copenhagen, Denmark! The hybrid format facilitates an onsite and online experience for attendees allowing for remote and face-to-face opportunities to take part in the multi-faceted programme. Join the world's premier event on #ClinicalMicrobiology & #InfectiousDiseases covering key topics and the latest research from the past year! Be sure to get involved in all of the exciting educational, social and professional events #ECCMID has to offer you. Learn more and register at:
Be a part of #ECCMID2023! Share and discuss your research with colleagues from around the world by submitting an original research abstract or case study to be presented at #ECCMID. Regular abstract submission will be open from 17 October to 30 November 2022. Potential abstract submitters can learn more about how to submit as well as the catagories and guidelines on abstracts by visiting the ECCMID website: