We are aware of the environmental impact that an event like ECCMID has on our planet, in terms of use of resources and energy as well as on waste production. Pretending we can make such an event sustainable would be presemptuous. However, sustainability is important to us and we greatly consider it when organising ECCMID. Every year, we keep making as many changes as possible to reduce waste and CO2 emission, because all together these small but important steps help us to achieve an eco-friendlier event. You can find below a description of the changes we implemented for ECCMID 2023 so far and how you can contribute to it.
We are conscious that there is still much work to do and we would be glad to receive your ideas on how to improve. Please do not hesitate to contact Mélinda Müller at melinda.mueller[at]
Join us on Saturday, 15 April 2023 from 12:15 until 13:15, in Arena 3!
ECCMID 2023 will feature an open forum session entitled "There is no planet B: sustainability in ID/CM". This session aims to provide an overview of the impact that conferences, healthcare, and laboratories have on climate change and CO2 emission. It may serve as a starting point to raise awareness, initiate further discussions and find solution on how to decarbonize ID/CM.

Environmental protection and mobility
Free public transport use!
We try to support environmentally friendly arrival and departure of participants within the city. ECCMID participants will receive free tickets for Copenhagen public transport for the whole duration of the Congress.
Join us in Copenhagen by train!
Denmark is easily reached by train from other European countries, particularly if travelling from northern and central Europe.
To facilitate finding a suitable and affordable travel option by train, we are providing some practical information compiled by ECCMID members in their respective countries (regarding both availablity of train connections and special ticket offers).
Click here to read our document.
Lanyards, backpacks and pens
Come and get your ESCMID lanyard, recycled cotton drawstring backpack and refillable pen!
Surplus of lanyards is usually thrown away at the end of congresses, as there is no interest from companies to recycle them, resulting in a consequent amount of unrecyclable waste. For our congress, the decision was taken already since ECCMID 2022 not to create new unique ECCMID lanyards every year, but to use ESCMID-branded lanyards that can be reused indefinitely. Participants can also choose to give their lanyard a second life by disposing it at the end of the Congress in a distinctive recycling box for it found at the exit.
Recycled cotton drawstring backpack will be given to all ECCMID participants upon registration. The bags from PF concept are manufactured in a responsible and ethical fashion and abide by regulatory requirements applicable for their articles within the EU and UK-market. They are made of 150 g/m² recycled cotton and polyester blend. Recycled cotton is manufactured from pre-consumer waste generated by textile factories during the cutting process. Similar colours are blended together so no additional dyeing is required. In conformity with the relevant EU harmonisation legislation, the bags do not contain any chemical substance of very high concern. Learn more about PF concept sustainable and ethical following this link: PF Concept | Sustainability
In addition, recycled, green energy and in Germany produced pens will be offered to each participant. More pens will be available at the ESCMID Village. We chose pens that can be refilled to avoid creating additional waste once the ink is over.
Finally, for our order for the bags and pens, MeetingLinq will gift ESCMID 150 trees which will be planted in Africa.
Click to find out more information about Treebytree and JustDiggit.
Water stations
Bring your own bottle and refill it at our free water stations!
Water stations will be available in the venue to provide free fresh water to all ECCMID participants. To avoid the use of plastic, no disposable cups will be available. Therefore, participants are welcome to bring their own bottle and refill them at these water stations. Upon request, sponsored durable water bottle can also be collected in the congress.
Waste recycling
Help us sorting waste properly!
ECCMID 2023 expects more than 10’000 participants. To minimise the total unrecycled waste generated by such an amount of people, recycling bins will be situated at strategic locations in the venue to encourage participants to recycle their waste. Taking into account the different cultural background of the participants, information on the correct way of sorting and recycling in Copenhagen will be displayed on the bins.
Reducing print
Get all updated information digitaly!
In the past years, we have progressively decreased the amount of printed material. In 2023, we aim at further reducing it. In fact, we decided to not print the congress’ Programme Book. The complete and continuously updated scientific programme will be accessible online as PDF document to download and on our congress app.
Furthermore, we are not printing any new flyers to advertise our society’s activities. We will keep distributing the remaining ones that are still up to date, until we become fully paperless. Delegates will find all the news and necessary information through QR codes available throughout the venue and on our app, website and social media.
If participants prefer to receive this information per email, the ESCMID team is at your disposal at all time.
Stand building and temporary constructions
A-booth is in charge of building stands and temporary constructions. This company is active in applying sustainable practices in its business, like the use of sustainable materials in their stands, such as sustainable aluminium. Over the years, we plan to reuse material from previous ECCMIDs as much as possible. For instance, the photo booth, post card station, brochure rack and most of the TV studio furniture will be built reusing the material from last year. Moreover, for temporary structures like the prayer room, the clock room and the material desk, we chose the reusable shell scheme system.
Carpet is usually installed everywhere in the venue to cover the floor made of concrete, but we consider it an avoidable waste. Therefore, during ECCMID 2023, carpets will be used in essential areas only, achieving a reduction of carpets’ use of 68%.
In addition, at the end of ECCMID, the carpet will not be trashed. Instead, it will be sent back to the Netherlands where it will be recycled into fibers, which will be reused for something else.
Join us onsite in one of the most sustainable arenas!
The Bella Arena is built and operated with a 360 degrees approach to sustainability. Sustainable materials, energy efficiency and circularity have been key focus points, and this has led to Bella Arena achieving pre-qualification for DGNB Gold Certification, one of the highest certifications for sustainable construction work.
Enjoy the tasty and conscientiously chosen food of Bellagroup!
The catering offered at ECCMID 2023 is served by the Bellagroup. Their work is based on the concept of Responsible Hospitality. This means that, in addition to delivering the best possible service for the guests and customers, they also take responsibility for the impact that their business has on society and the environment and strive to affect their surroundings positively. Local, seasonal, fairly traded, organic and biodynamic food as well as animal welfare are central aspects of their practice.
This catering uses to the greatest extend possible sustainable and local raw ingredients and all the food served is based on carefully chosen fresh raw ingredients that provide a tasty and delicious culinary experience. Meat is bought from local farmers who are committed to animal welfare and seafood is primarily bought MCS or ASC certified to help protect the marine environment and reduce overfishing in our oceans. Moreover, the supplier partners providing the products are selected to ensure the compliance of the Supplier Code of Conduct of Bellagroup, based on international standards concerning human and labour rights, environmental practices, anti-corruption and other industry standards.
Have a look at the website of Bellagroup to know in more details about their sustainable practices: Responsible Hospitality in Bellagroup